RSVP for April 2024 Meeting
The Secret to Writing a Good Novel:
Take Off Your Writer’s Hat
Wed. April 10th, 7 – 8:30 pm PT
Online Only (Zoom)
$5 for CWC Members, $10 for Non-Members
Whether you’re struggling to start a novel, stuck in the middle, or overwhelmed by a revision, the natural tendency for writers is to write their way out of their story problems. But writing forward is not always the best thing to do. It often pays to take off your writer’s hat and define the foundational elements of your story before you keep writing — which means understanding your motivation, considering your reader’s expectations, and making sure your story has a solid structure that will hold up inside and out from beginning to end.
In this interactive presentation, top book coach Jennie Nash will walk us through the foundational elements of story in her 14-step Blueprint process. Participants will receive a digital copy of Jennie’s Blueprint for a Book and the confidence and clarity to put it to use.
Jennie Nash is the founder and CEO of Author Accelerator, a company on a mission to lead the emerging book coaching industry with rigorous training, high standards for certification, and ongoing support for coaches while they build their businesses. Her own coaching clients have landed top New York agents and six-figure book deals with traditional publishing houses such as Penguin, Scribner, Simon & Schuster, and Hachette, and won dozens of national indie book awards. Jennie is the author of 12 books in 3 genres, including her Blueprint for a Book, Blueprint for a Nonfiction Book and Blueprint for a Memoir. Visit her at and
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