California Writers Club is a nonprofit educational corporation. Members write novels, short stories, screenplays, poetry, nonfiction, and more. Over half of our members are published. In addition to professional and aspiring writers, CWC membership is open to non-writing literary experts.

The 1906 San Francisco earthquake brought together literary figures in informal gatherings at the Oakland home of poet Joaquin Miller and at Coppa’s Restaurant in San Francisco. Among those who shared their work and challenges were Jack London, Herman Whitaker, George Sterling and Austin Lewis. The group grew and in 1909 California Writers Club was founded with Austin Lewis as the first president. It began with one branch in Berkeley, California.

The Marin Branch of the California Writers Club was incorporated in 1999. We meet for monthly informal coffee socials and hold a host of other events, including in-person lectures, online events, Open Mic ‘Salons’ and networking parties.

Together with CWC state wide’s 2,000 members in 22 branches across California, we can put you in touch with other writers, help you find writing groups (beta, critique, and support groups), and answer your questions about craft, marketing and publishing. We hope you’ll join us!


Panel Discussions

Coffee Socials

Open-Mic Readings

Critique and Support Groups

Monthly Newletters

Monthly Programs Of Speakers On Various Aspects Of Writing & Publishing

To Learn More About The Statewide Organization Visit Www.Calwriters.Org.

Executive Board

Jean Gordon Kocienda


Jean is a former geopolitical risk analyst. She is now focused on writing historical fiction about Japan and the empowerment of women. Her first novel, Girl in a Box, will be published in spring 2026 by Sibylline Press. She is currently working on her second novel, set during the postwar US Occupation of Japan. Jean volunteers as an English tutor for refugees and immigrants in the Bay Area. www.jeangordonkocienda.com

Susanna Solomon


Susanna Solomon is the author of three short story collections; Point Reyes Sheri’s Calls, More Point Reyes Sheri’s Calls, and Paris Beckons, and Montana Rhapsody (a novel). She is a long-time resident of Marin County and is a retired electrical engineer.

Gini Grossenbacher


English teacher Gini writes historical novels, flash fiction, and poetry, and founded San Rafael Writers & Artists online workshops in 2024. Novels in her American Madams trilogy won the 2018 and 2020 IPPY silver medals. Through JGKS Press, she offers coaching and editing services for fiction and memoir.  Gini is past recipient of the CWC Jack London service award.   https://www.ginigrossenbacher.com

Paula Suyehiro

Board Member

Paula was born in San Francisco into a lineage of Japanese intuitive healers.  She has practiced intuitive healing and bodywork therapies for decades.  When not facilitating healing sessions, Paula plays in the creative process of writing short stories based on her personal  experiences of being a healer in a new modern world, family & the ones she hangs out with, cultural traditions and the power to create new ones, healing and the magic it creates, and so much more!

Daniel Bacon

Board Member

Daniel Bacon is the founder of the Barbary Coast Trail, San Francisco’s official historical walk, and the author of Walking San Francisco on the Barbary Coast Trail and Frisco, a novel set in the 1930s. Daniel grew up in the Bay Area and enjoys hiking with his wife Patty and their high-energy golden-doodle Romeo.

Mike Van Horn

Board Member

Mike writes science fiction plus workbooks for small business owners–an unusual combo. Since the heroine of his sci fi stories is a singer, he’s written lyrics for her, and had music composed for them. He has a four-book series set in the near future–lighthearted, not dystopian. His workbooks support his “day job” of advising business owners. He is a longtime CWC Marin member and former President.

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