Covenant With Hell
The tenth book by Priscilla Royal in her medieval mystery series, Covenant With Hell, is now out in paper and book versions. Publishers Weekly has given it a starred review and Sharon Kay Penman her highest praise.
A native of Washington State, Priscilla Royal grew up in New Westminster, BC. She graduated with a BA in world literature from San Francisco State University.
In 2000, she retired from the federal civil service and now writes medieval mysteries full time. Medieval literature and history have fascinated her for almost half a century, and she delights in finding details that aren’t usually mentioned in most fiction. As one example, her main characters belong to the very real Order of Fontevraud, a double house of monks and nuns, run by a woman in an era when conventional wisdom said that women were weak, illogical and should never rule men. The characters remain true to their time but exhibit universal character- istics.
Although a fan of theater, modern mysteries, and fiction of lesser violence, she was inspired to write about medieval crime and punishment by the works of both Ellis Peters and Sharon Kay Penman.
Visit her website at and her blog postings on The Lady Killers blog (