RSVP for September 2022 Meeting
Tobi Doyle will be speaking on Wednesday, September 28th, at 6 pm.
Topic: Book Mapping – Be Your Own Developmental Editor
A book map is a “big picture” overview of a book, broken down chapter by chapter and scene by scene, usually in the form of a table. It allows you to look objectively at an entire story, all at once.
In this workshop, you will learn:
• to determine which elements to track in your book map
• to find and fix problems with plot, character, theme, etc.
• to use book mapping as a tool throughout story development
• to be your own developmental editor
• to work collaboratively with others to identify areas for improvement
• about the many resources available to help with your writing projects
About the Speaker
Tobi Doyle, a hybrid romance author, has published over a dozen HEAs with heat and humor, romantic suspense, and cozy mysteries. Tobi is a content developer for the RWA’s Pen to Paper Guide to Writing Romance program, and the President of RWA’s romantic suspense/mystery chapter, Kiss of Death. She’s a partner of the Intensive Genre Writers along with SG Redling, where they provide genre writers a writing craft foundation through workshops and retreats. You can find her at and, but really, usually she’s at her desk contemplating if it’s margarita time yet.