First Summer Salon on July 25 at 7 pm— Pitch Your Book Blurb

We had such a positive experience the past two summers hosting evening salons that we’re doing it again this summer. Open to a maximum of ten participants, the salons are hosted at a member’s home and everyone gets a chance to read and get feedback.

The first salon, on Thursday, July 25, 7 pm, will give participants the opportunity to read their book pitch — whether to a prospective agent or the blurb on the web.

Each reader will get five to ten minutes total for reading and feedback. The events will be potluck style so bring an appetizer or a bottle of wine and come join us!

RSVP to for directions and additional information. If you’re one of the first ten people, we’ll guarantee you a slot. We may have time for more.

We’ll host our second salon on August 22, where participants will be able to get feedback on their first pages.


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