“From Blog To Book”
November 18, 2012
How do you create and write a blog that will capture the attention of book agents and publishers? Susan Sachs Lipman takes you through the steps, from concept and proposal through published book.
Susan Sachs Lipman is the author of Fed Up with Frenzy: Slow Parenting in a Fast-Moving World, which grew out of her award-winning blog, Slow Family Online.
She writes for the Christian Science Monitor’s Modern Parenthood blog, and is the Social Media Director for the international Children & Nature Network.
The Marin branch of the California Writers Club meets monthly at Book Passage, except July, August and December, on the 4th Sunday of the month, unless a holiday. 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Meeting may feature a guest speaker, a workshop or a panel discussion along with networking, encouragement and writing news.
All are welcome.