Every author, or author-to-be—whether they write literary fiction, memoir, sci-fi, romance, poetry, or how-to—has heard about how valuable it is to build their “writer’s platform.” They spend tons of time, money, and energy gathering names for their email lists, beefing up their social media presence, and hiring publicists to help them secure interviews to promote their books.

But many authors forget that once they build that platform, somebody is going to have to stand on it…and speak…to people.

Join us on May 26 for Betsy Graziani Fasbinder’s presentation: “Public Speaking Skills  for Today’s Writers — Pitfalls to Avoid, Practices that Pay Off.”

She’ll help prepare you to stand on your own writer’s platform with the skills and confidence you need to represent your book, your stories, and your ideas with passion, energy, and impact. With a few simple skills to help manage your nerves (or even serious fear) and some easy-to-use tools and techniques, you can engage audiences of any size.

Marin County author of From Page to Stage: Inspiration, Tools, and Public Speaking Tips for Writers, Betsy is a professional speaker and speaking coach. She’s also author of a novel, Fire & Water, and a memoir, Filling Her Shoes.

Whether you’re pitching an agent at a writers’ conference, launching your bouncing baby book at a bookstore event, or speaking to an interviewer on a radio broadcast, these skills are for every writer.

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