Writing Groups
Lessons from the North 24th Writers
October 28, 2012

Please join four celebrated authors who are members of a longstanding local writers group, North 24th Writers.

  • Allison Hoover silerJuliaFlynnBartlett is the author of The Man Who Loved Books Too Much
  • Katharine Ellison is a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and the author, most recently, of Buzz: A Year of Paying Attention as well as three other books,
  • Susan Freinkel is the author of Plastic: A Toxic Love Story  and American Chestnut: The Life, Death, and Rebirth of a Perfect Tree
  • Julia Flynn Siler (right) is the author of the bestsellers The House of Mondavi and Lost Kingdom: Hawaii’s Last Queen, the Sugar Kings and America’s First Imperial Adventure

North 24th Writers is a group of ten Bay Area women who have been meeting twice a month for over a decade. Collectively, the group has published ten nonfiction books as well as hundreds of articles and essays in major magazines, newspapers, literary journals and online publications.

They’ll discuss:

  1. how to form a writing group
  2. formats that work (and don’t)
  3. challenges
  4. the surprising side-benefits of creating your own work group

For more information on North 24th Writers, please visit: http://north24thwriters.com/

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