Date: October 27, 2013
Time: 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm
The 2013-14 “Opening Act” series will begin October 27th at 1:00 pm in advance of our regular monthly meeting.
Part One: Sunday. Oct. 27
“Present to Past and Back Again
The retrospective narrator in fiction and memoir”
This session explores how authors leave the present to explore their own or their character’s past lives. It includes examples from four novels as well a take-home exercise in plotting your own retrospective story.
Our guest speaker is Marin Branch member, Jo Haraf, who has graciously offered to present a two-part discussion on the use of Retrospective in fiction and memoir.
If you are interested in making your “Opening Act” presentation, concerning any aspect of the craft of writing, please contact Jon Shearer at: for scheduling. We all possess literary talents that we can share with our fellow members. Take the opportunity to let us know what you know!