If you look again at the flyer above for the October meeting, you’ll see that the main meeting at 2 pm is preceded by the Opening Act at 1 pm?

The goal of Opening Act is to give people a chance to contribute and get to know each other. It’s more sharing than presentation. Actual learning is a bonus. Sometimes, we do an Open Mic, where writers read their first page aloud. Or a pitch session, where we practice our pitch to agents. Usually, it’s a small gathering.

This month, CWC-Marin board member and author John Byrne Barry will be leading a workshop on writing a killer book blurb. if you’ve written a draft book blurb, bring it in, or send it in advance to johnbyrnebarry@greennoir.com. Together, we’ll help you make it better. Hope to see you there.

Have an idea for an Opening Act? Send it to marincwc@gmail.com.

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