Point of View
Patricia Bracewell
Gillian Bagwell
April 28, 2013, 2 to 4 p.m.
Book Passage in Corte Madera
Patricia Bracewell
author of Shadow on the Crown (Viking/Penguin, 2013)
Patricia is a writer of historical fiction set in 11th century England. Her debut novel, Shadow on the Crown, is the first book in a trilogy about Emma of Normandy, whose marriage in A.D. 1002 to an English king set in motion a series of events that would lead, eventually, to the Norman Conquest of A.D. 1066. She was born and raised in Los Angeles and spent much of her childhood with her nose in a book.
In college she majored in English Literature, performed in several campus theater productions, worked part-time in a bookstore and sang with a small band in a local bar. She spent her final undergraduate semester in Switzerland and followed that with several months of travel, last stop Great Britain.
Gillian Bagwell
author of September Queen (Berkeley/Penguin, 2011)
The Darling Strumpet (Berkeley/Penguin, 2011)
Gillian Bagwell grew up in Berkeley, California, and began her professional life as an actress, studying at the University of California Berkeley and the Drama Studio London at Berkeley before relocating to Los Angeles to pursue a career in film and television. She moved into directing and producing theatre, founding The Pasadena Shakespeare Company, where she served as artistic director for nine years, producing thirty-seven critically acclaimed productions. She united her life-long love of books, British history, and theatre in writing her first novel, The Darling Strumpet, based on the life of Nell Gwynn. Her second novel, The September Queen, is the first fictional account of the perilous and romantic odyssey of Jane Lane, an ordinary English girl who risked her life to help the young Charles II escape after the disastrous Battle of Worcester in 1651 by disguising him as her servant.
Point of View defines the choices available to the writer: omniscient versus character viewpoints (first person, the rarely used second person, third person, shifting viewpoints).
Presenters will provide examples illustrating each type of viewpoint; discussion of the advantages of each viewpoint, the disadvantages, and what a writer must consider before making a choice. Q & A to follow.