We are very excited to announce a Writers Workshop with New York Times Bestselling Author Robert Dugoni, You won’t want to miss this event or the opportunity to have dinner with Mr. Dugoni after the event. Visit www.trivalleywriters.org to sign up now. I look forward to seeing you there.
CWC Tri-Valley Branch
Writing Workshop with Robert Dugoni
Creating Plots & Playing God
New York Times Bestselling Author Robert Dugoni will conduct a workshop “Creating Plots & Playing God”
Saturday, April 6, 12:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Does your novel or story keep your audience hungry for more? Do your characters resonate with your readers? If not, you won’t want to miss this workshop with Mr. Dugoni as he delves into ‘Creating Plots for Page Turners’ and ‘Playing God: Creating Memorable Characters’.
Robert Dugoni is the author of The Cyanide Canary, The Jury Master, Damage Control, Wrongful Death, Bodily Harm, Murder One, and The Conviction. Visit www.robertdugoni.com for more information about this very accomplished author.
Registration/check-in begins at 12 Noon at the Four Points by Sheraton, 5115 Hopyard in Pleasanton, CA.
Cost: CWC member $60, non-member $70.
Snacks & Beverages provided during break.
Reservations and payment required by April 1st.
Visit www.trivalleywriters.org to reserve your seat online or contact Deborah Bernal at reservations@trivalleywriters.org and mail check to:
CWC Tri-Valley Writers
Attn: Workshop
4682 Chabot Drive #10953
Pleasanton, CA 94588