December 8, 2024
4:00 – 6:00 pm
Sorry, we’re full up! Happy Holidays!
Celebrate the year in writing and CWC friendships at our Members-Only Holiday Party!
The party will take place at the home of former CWC Marin President Mike Van Horn (address to be provided to registered attendees only).
- Members may bring one guest
- Potluck! Bring a drink or snack to share
- White Elephant Book Exchange! Bring a book to give away (see rules below)
Register Here:
Note: If the link doesn’t work, please simply RSVP to the email address. Space is limited to thirty people so don’t wait!
How the Book Exchange Works
- Bring a book to the party (unwrapped) — it can be your book or a book you love. We’ll lay them out on a table for everyone to admire.
- Everyone will be given a chance to introduce his/her book — thirty seconds — (I chose this book because x. I love this book because y)
- Everyone takes a number from a hat
- The person with #1 goes first. He/she chooses a book.
- Person #2 can either choose a book from the table, or steal the book from #1.
- If stolen, #1 goes back to the table and chooses another book.
- #3 goes next. He/she can choose a book from the table or steal one.
- * No ‘steal-backs’. A book can only be stolen twice. When stealing, you must address your ‘victim’ by name. Nobody ‘has to play’. Feel free to just watch!