Literary Journalism
and The Enduring Power of Creative Writing

Scott Thomas Anderson

Sunday, February 24, 2013
2 to 4 pm

Book Passage in Corte Madera

ScottThomasAndersonAwarded the Robert Novak Journalism Fellowship in 2010, Scott Thomas Anderson spent 18 months as an embedded reporter with California law enforcement agencies, partnering with officers on night patrols, accompanying detectives on warrant searches and probation sweeps, observing SWAT operations and spending hundreds of hours with attorneys and victims’ advocates in small-town courtrooms.

During this time, he also traveled to different rural communities across the United States. ShadowPeopleThe result was his nonfiction book, Shadow People: How Meth-driven Crime is Eating at the Heart of Rural America, an exploration of nation’s modern methamphetamine crisis.

An award-winning journalist and currently a crime reporter for The Press Tribune, serving Roseville and Granite Bay, he has written for The Sacramento News and Review and The Auburn Journal. His creative nonfiction stories have been featured in Sierra Lodestar Magazine.

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